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SQP 2022-23 CLASS-VI
SQP 2022-2023 CLASS VII
Time Table
In our Kalinga Abasik Vidyalaya classes from Monday to Friday follow a 5-day cycle for Classes IV-XII. This would mean that Monday may not necessarily be Day 1 and so on. Students and parents are advised to keep track of the Day of the Cycle for a particular working day.
In the NORMAL schedule classes begin at 9:00 am after a ten-minute morning assembly and prayer. Classes Prep –III have six periods, IV-V seven periods and others 8 periods of 40 minutes each. When the school follows the SUMMER time table Saturdays are full working days for all. Classes will be of 35 minutes duration.
When there are SPECIAL programmes such as staff meetings or preparation/practices for various school functions the classes are of 35 minutes duration and the breaks are curtailed.
Saturdays are non-instructional working days for Classes Prep – X. Co-curricular programmes and activities of student clubs, parents meetings, competitions, etc. are organised on Saturdays. Most Saturdays Std XI-XII have their theory and practical classes.
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I am proud to welcome all students, parents, and teachers to another exciting year of learning and growth. Our dedicated faculty and staff work tirelessly to ensure that each student is challenged and supported on their educational journey. Together, let's make this year a successful one.
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Kendrapara, Odisha 754210,
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